Revolutionising logistics management with Ramp’s RFID solution.
MMG implements Ramp’s Asset Tracking Solution at Dugald River Mine.

Addressing the challenges of logistics management
MMG wanted up-to-date monitoring of their daily production of concentrate, their stock levels at the mine and port stock yards, and the location of their fleet of containers. They also aimed to ensure they were producing and delivering concentrate to the ports and vessels that meet the minimum product quality specifications.
In addition, they wanted the ability to cost-effectively manage their container yard with minimal container rehandling requirements, allowing the mine to maximise throughput and reduce the impact of their limited container yard size.
The problem
Concerns about RFID implementation in harsh environments
There were multiple concerns MMG needed to work through to ensure they were going to meet their goals. Concerns included the equipment’s ability to operate reliably in the temperature ranges experienced in the gulf, the need for the equipment to be physically robust to handle harsh environments, and electrically noisy environments that could interfere with signals for tag reads.
Most areas where the RFID was installed were dominated with steel structures potentially causing reflection issues. Additionally, the equipment needed to have low power draw requirements as several of the fixed reader sites are solar powered and mobile readers draw power from the equipment they are mounted to.
The solution
Implementing a tailored RFID solution for logistics management.
RFID tags were fitted on all containers, and RFID read stations were installed at the mine, at the rail siding, and at the port. This provided accurate tracking of all containers and with integration to the LIMS sampling system, the sample data was matched to containers, with the weight scale read point capturing container fill weights.
MMG and Ramp were careful in using a range of specific design criteria for the detailed solution design to mitigate the initial concerns highlighted. Significant onsite trails were performed as part of the system design to confirm operational performance levels were suitable.
Improved Logistics Management
& Operational Performance with RFID
Ramp’s RFID solution significantly improved MMG’s logistics management and operational performance.
“Partnering with a company, such as Ramp, with both high levels of working experience in complex physical environments and technical expertise in RFID and associated technologies is crucial. Getting RFID to work reliably in challenging industrial environments is far more difficult than we originally thought, especially with getting the solution to work in areas with mobile equipment, large amounts of stell structures and constraints on antenna mounting locations.”
Brad Winks – Senior Technology Consultant & Project Manager